Supplementary Standards
Supplemental Academic Standards
Students admitted into the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) major must maintain a high standard of scholastic achievement to continue in the major. Any student having completed 24 or more credit hours must maintain a minimum 2.79 cumulative grade point average. A student failing to meet this standard is subject to dismissal from the major.
Supplemental Dismissal Process
Following final grades being entered into cumulative GPAs after the fall and spring semesters at UConn, the MEM office evaluates its students' academic progress against the MEM supplemental academic standards. Students who have completed 24 credits are required to maintain a 2.79 cumulative GPA in order to remain in the MEM major.
Here’s what you need to know:
- When a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.79, they will receive a supplementary dismissal letter from the MEM office. Students who are dismissed from the MEM major will be administratively unregistered from their 2000/3000/4000 level courses in the School of Business, and their major will be changed to Undecided Engineering.
- A student falling below a 2.85 will receive a warning letter and be encouraged to seek academic assistance through the university academic supports and through the College of Engineering’s tutoring or other programs through the COE advising office.
- All students are encouraged to seek supports, but particularly those whose GPA falls below a 3.0.
When a student has successfully completed one semester of Senior Design and is on track for Spring graduation, we will waive the dismissal process and offer support instead.
What if I have been Supplementarily Dismissed from MEM?
If you have received a dismissal letter from MEM, you should immediately contact your advisor and schedule an appointment to navigate next steps. You may submit an appeal by writing a letter to the major directors requesting consideration to continue in the major. This letter should include information about factors contributing to poor academic performance and plans for academic recovery. A dismissal committee will communicate a final decision regarding dismissal from the MEM major. Dismissed students maintain the right to raise their GPA, retake certain courses and reapply when they again meet the MEM eligibility criteria.
What is the timeline for Warnings and Dismissals?
While these dates may have slight variation due to unforeseen complications at the University level, the MEM policy on dismissal timing is as follows:
Dismissals after the Fall Term:
- Dismissal letters emailed to students approximately 2 weeks before the start of the Spring semester.
- Appeals are due 1 week before the Spring semester on the date listed in the dismissal letter received.
- Final decisions on appeals are made 2-3 weekdays before the first day of classes in the Spring semester.
Dismissals after the Spring Term:
- Dismissal letters emailed to students approximately 2-3 weeks after grades and GPAs have been finalized at the University.
- Appeals are due 1 week after the letter is sent via email and as listed in the dismissal letter.
- Final decisions on appeals are made 2 weeks after the letters are emailed and usually within one week of appeal deadline.